Stacking Strength

I hope you all had a nice Memorial Day weekend! I spent the day with friends and family, so that’s why I didn’t post anything yesterday.

Guest Post: Sunsets

A sweet friend of mine sent me this e-mail over the weekend, and I thought it was such a good picture that I asked if I could share it with you all.  She and I have a thing where whenever we see a beautiful sunset, we tell the other person about it, or send a… Continue reading Guest Post: Sunsets

Mid-Month Raw Update

Honestly I’m not even sure why I say “raw” in the title every time I do one of these updates, because they’re always from the deepest places of my heart.  Maybe just for the sake of new followers or to pull in your attention.  Anyway, I’ll stop the rambling intro here and get into the… Continue reading Mid-Month Raw Update

Guest Post: Corrie Haynes

I’m so excited to introduce my new friend Corrie to you all! She’s a DJ on my favorite radio station, and I’ve listened to her for several years.  Last year, I would listen to her speak in the afternoons as I came home from cosmetology school, and it encouraged me to keep going.  She was… Continue reading Guest Post: Corrie Haynes

Guest Post: Elizabeth Foil of Lace Devotion Ministries

Lace Devotion is a ministry for teenage girls run by Elizabeth Foil, whom I had the pleasure of meeting about a month ago.  A mutual friend introduced us as we have similar passions for blogging, and today she is the guest blogger! Please be sure to make her feel welcome and check out her website… Continue reading Guest Post: Elizabeth Foil of Lace Devotion Ministries

A Letter to My Best Friend

I see your pain.  And I know if I, being only human, can see your pain, our God surely does too. I know you.  I know how you’ve fought before and know you’ll fight again.  I know the God we serve and know we surely will win. I’ve loved you for thirteen years (and counting),… Continue reading A Letter to My Best Friend

Keep On Keepin’ On: A Letter to a Sister in Christ

I saw the pain in your eyes that day.  You ask me now what that looked like, but there is no one word to describe it.  Fear? Defeat? Agony? Weariness? Hopelessness? Evidence of your pain leaked only from the windows to your soul; every other entrance had been shut down and sealed off.  You were… Continue reading Keep On Keepin’ On: A Letter to a Sister in Christ