Prince of Spies

My thoughts on the last installment of the Hope and Glory series!

February Favorites

In addition to February being a short month (albeit with the extra day this year), it was one full of crazy schedules and some deaths in the family, so I didn’t have a lot of time to find new content I enjoyed.  But, I will present to you today that which I did enjoy, however… Continue reading February Favorites

The Runaway Bride

This second book in the Bride Ships series by Jody Hedlund works well as a stand-alone; there was a slight tie-in to the previous book, but it took me a while to notice it.  This light-hearted story had deep characters, which I thought was a well-done combo.

Cilka’s Journey

This was a hard book to read and even harder to formulate a response/review on.  The sequel to The Tattooist of Auschwitz, Cilka’s Journey also deals with some very heavy themes.  While there is hope throughout the novel, I was nauseous during the majority of reading it, imagining what it must have been like.  I think… Continue reading Cilka’s Journey

October Favorites

There were so many things that I loved and that ministered to me in the month of October (regardless of when they were released), so it’s been a bit of a process gathering some of them together into this post.  Even still, I apologize for the delay in getting it up! 🙂

Lake Season

I’m back with another book review today! With the exception of last week, it’s been a bit since I posted something book-related.  Rest assured, I’ve still been reading, but mostly it’s just audiobooks and classics that I’m not reading to review or haven’t been recently released.